Follow the engineering process.

Make a seed mosaic and plant it.

Make a model of the Earth.

Follow the engineering process.
Our Step-by-Step Approach to Engaging Learners
Lessons follow a modular, adaptive flow designed to engage students from the start and reinforce learning every step of the way.
Geologist Lesson Preview

Follow along as students learn about our home planet covering Earth Science standards reinforced by building a model of the Earth's layers.
Step 1: Connect through Storytelling
Concepts are introduced as a hero's journey through science by our mascot, Scout. Also available on YouTube.
Step 2: Hypothesis question to spark critical thinking.
Each lesson begins with a central hypothesis question designed to set the stage for the lesson.

Step 3: Research Intro
Music Videos
Core ideas are introduced and reinforced through custom music videos. Also available on YouTube.
Step 4: Research
Short-format videos, Q&A
Short format videos concisely introduce and simplify core ideas reinforced by fun Q &A through the application.

Step 5: Hands-on Activity
Students are guided step-by-step through a hands-on activity, including thoughtful questions to reinforce learning. All supplies are readily available at retail and grocery stores.

Step 1: Connect through Storytelling
Concepts are introduced through a hero's journey through science by our mascot, Scout. Also available on YouTube.
Step 6: Assessment to track learning
Assessment questions are designed to mirror CAST and other state and federal testing. This helps teachers assess student readiness and gives students access to a practice test.